Passionately Sharing the Good News of Christ's Kingdom


At RISK we love helping people start a life-giving relationship with Christ Jesus - we can only have eternal life by knowing Him. We share the Good News by:

  • practical evangelism - telling people what Christ has done, and demonstrating it by caring for them and meeting their needs, etc.

  • giving people an experience with the Holy Spirit's supernatural power so they can discover for themselves that God actually exists - healing, prophecy, words of knowledge and more... 'Supernatural' is a core value!

Our heart is to advance His Kingdom everywhere we go, individually and as a family. Below are some of the ways we do this.

As Individuals...


RISK members actively extend God's Kingdom with other believers around the city, nation and globe. We're involved in street-witnessing, Bible in Schools, taking God's goodness and power to the NZ gangs, prison ministry, prophetic ministry, prayer and intercession, Aglow NZ, etc.

Some individual mission activities we specifically encourage are:

As a Family...

We get involved in:

  • One-off projects. Example: Funding Bibles for Pakistan

  • Special offerings for disaster-relief: usually combining with the Assemblies of God churches throughout NZ

  • The following local, national and international mission activities




Ministry relationships with:



Simply Mobilizing
We support Max & Dorothy Chismon
A/G NZ Missionaries
Equipping the church worldwide for missions

World Outreach
We support their production of 'Life In Christ - Arabic Version'. This is a resource for pastors and leaders in the Arab-speaking world.