Passionately Sharing the Good News of Christ's Kingdom
At RISK we love helping people start a life-giving relationship with Christ Jesus - we can only have eternal life by knowing Him. We share the Good News by:
practical evangelism - telling people what Christ has done, and demonstrating it by caring for them and meeting their needs, etc.
giving people an experience with the Holy Spirit's supernatural power so they can discover for themselves that God actually exists - healing, prophecy, words of knowledge and more... 'Supernatural' is a core value!
Our heart is to advance His Kingdom everywhere we go, individually and as a family. Below are some of the ways we do this.
As Individuals...
RISK members actively extend God's Kingdom with other believers around the city, nation and globe. We're involved in street-witnessing, Bible in Schools, taking God's goodness and power to the NZ gangs, prison ministry, prophetic ministry, prayer and intercession, Aglow NZ, etc.
Some individual mission activities we specifically encourage are:
Child sponsorship (e.g. World Vision NZ, Tear Fund NZ, Save the Children)
Giving to the Bible Society for distributing Bibles worldwide
Supporting the persecuted Church through Open Doors NZ
As a Family...
We get involved in:
One-off projects. Example: Funding Bibles for Pakistan
Special offerings for disaster-relief: usually combining with the Assemblies of God churches throughout NZ
The following local, national and international mission activities

Stokes Valley Christmas Parade
Extravagant Christmas
Street outreaches
Guest evangelist meetings
Food parcels
Ministry relationships with:
an Arabic-speaking church in NZ
a Messianic Jew ministering to Maori here in NZ
Simply Mobilizing
We support Max & Dorothy Chismon
A/G NZ Missionaries
Equipping the church worldwide for missions
World Outreach
We support their production of 'Life In Christ - Arabic Version'. This is a resource for pastors and leaders in the Arab-speaking world.