Our Core Beliefs, Mission, Vision & Values
Core Beliefs
As a member of the Assembly of God Movement in New Zealand, we fully agree with the A/G NZ 'Statement of Fundamental Truths'. You can find these Truths on the A/G NZ National Website 'About' page.
"To be and raise a generation that know God, are strong in the Holy Spirit’s power, influencing and impacting our world."
Adapted from Daniel 11:32b (NKJV)
(with Triune God and with people)
Relationships / Diversity / Love / Flexibility / Life Transformation / Innovation / Outreach / Edification
We are people of relationship, with God and others. People of all ages, race and background being welcomed in to grow, laugh, love and be changed by God to have great impact in our community.
Servanthood / Service / Tithing / Hospitality / Stewardship / Generosity
We strive for excellence in every act of service to honour God and people.
Mentoring / Empowerment / Discipleship / Personal Vision / Development / Communication
People of one mind and heart to lead and serve with the purpose of helping others realise their God-given potential and release them into their calling.
Integrity / Trust / Honour
We honour God and people through loving and serving others, living a life of integrity and recognising the value and giftings God places on people’s lives.
Power / Miracles / Prophetic / Signs / Wonders / Manifest Presence
We endeavour to live a lifestyle that reflects the miraculous life of Jesus Christ, which is evidence of the Holy Spirit leading and living in us and among us.
Bible / Gospel / Accountability
The Bible/Word of God is our treasure chest full of history, present and future insight, truth, and a guide for healthy living as a Christian.
Prayer / Zeal / Passion / Heart / Exaltation
Enthusiastic and honest expression of love for God through music, and in our lives through honouring Him in everything we do and all that we are.