Get Involved


Browse the many ways to get involved by clicking on the icons and links below.


Life Groups

As part of our local church family, we encourage you to connect with others outside of weekend services. To find out when and where our life groups meet, contact the church office.

Growing Strong Faith

Our vision is "To be and raise a generation of people that know God, are strong and do great exploits". 

To become this kind of people - strong in faith - we must disciple each other. Get involved in our discipleship process.

Opportunities To Serve

Part of being a healthy and thriving local church family is being actively involved. Take a minute to look through these opportunities to be part of our incredible volunteer team! Then, if you're passionate about our values (read here), complete the Volunteer Sign-up form.


RISK Sunday Life


  • Administration & Church Office

  • Graphics, Design & Publication Editing

  • Communications

  • Website Design & Management

  • Building Services